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Helping talented writers publish exceptional books

Award medal given to Acorn Publishing LLC which was voted as "The BREW Nonfiction Book Excellence Award" Publisher of the Year

2024 Chrysalis BREW Project


Acorn Publishing is an imprint for talented writers serious about their craft who want their work to reach the widest possible audience. Our team of experienced industry professionals works to ensure your story has the best shot at success in today's crowded market.



· We are the largest publisher in San Diego and one of the largest in California.

·We have published 160 books to date.

· Our books have won 500 awards and counting.

· 3 of our books have been optioned for television so far.

· 22% of our authors have published more than one book under our imprint.

Six Feet Apart in the time of Corona anthology women and girls  across the globe
The Same Bright Moon memoir American teacher in China
Eagles in Flight romance novel by Ramcy Diek
True North Christian Young Adult novel
The Berlin Tunnel world war two novel by Roger Liles
My Name is Rose Alexa Kingaard hippie commune
Carry Me Home novel about mom and two daughters and gang violence by Jessica Therrien
Chasing Beverly Washington romance novel
Haskell Himself young adult gay LGTBQ
Keep Forever romantic military novel Vietnam
Once in a Blood Moon slavery women's lit novel
Things My Mama Never Told Me advice novel for teens
Beauty is the Beast by James D. McGee Lady Laura Lacy of Britewood
Killing Time time travel novel series
Oppression Children of the Gods YA adult series
Kingston Court romance novel southern California
The Continuing Adventures of Laura Palmer romantic novel life after death
21 Tattoos religious novel
Sinners and Saints Italy travel novel
Choosing Hope women's lit romance by Holly Kammier divorce affair sociopath
The Walls of Orion YA fantasy
Christian YA


The Last Stop memoir grieving the loss of a son to suicide
Wings of Silk Asian American novel
Dark Paradise Caribbean noir murder mystery
The Devil's Own YA fantasy series by K.A. Fox
Bipolar memoir struggling with mental illness
Queen of Chaos fantasy novel by Kat Ross
Against All Enemies military thriller
Still Breathing women's lit novel by Gene Fournier
Alyssa Petersel Somehow I am Different travel memoir Jewish in Budapest Kirkus Review Winner
THE WARMAKER by Benjamin Spada military thriller military writers society gold medal award winner
TRUE TREASURE middle grade novel by Laura Findley Evans
HANGAR 4 by Isaac Lee named one of the 10 books to read this spring by The Union Tribune
LOST GIRL, a Shelby Day novel murder mystery by Holly Kammier bestseller
The "Flygirl" series about female pilot sexism in the workplace was written by author R.D. Kardon who was named "one of the top 5 authors to read in San Diego" by San Diego Magazine.
Not Paid Eleven Cents an Hour to Think Vietnam war antiwar

Find Your Next Favorite Book

Laura Findley Evans middle grade author

Laura Findley Evans,
The Dragon and The Girl

"Two years after publishing my first novel with Acorn, True North has earned me over 2 ½ times my initial investment. Publishing it on my own seemed impossible. Trying to go the traditional route seemed daunting as well. An author can spend years trying to find an agent and then hope they can sell it to a publisher. Enter Acorn Publishing! Instead of taking years, the process took mere months. Now my book is garnering 5-star reviews, while I’m able to focus on writing more books."  

"The Dragon and the Girl: True Treasure" is a  middle grade adventure fantasy book written by Laura Findley Evans
Kristi Fox ya novel today bestselling author

K. A. Fox,
USA TODAY Best-selling Author of the Murphy's Law Series

"My experience with Acorn has been everything I hoped it would be. What I've learned from them along the way has been invaluable and there have been more opportunities to grow my readership and my career as an author because of them. They even secured an overseas traditional publishing deal for my first book and connected me with my film and television agent. Thank you Acorn - you made this author's dream come true."

The Devil's Own USA today bestselling author K.A. Fox
Author Ben Spada military novels

Benjamin Spada,
the Black Spear Series
Military Writers Society of America Gold Medal Winner

"The Acorn team were the experts I needed in my corner to help make that jump from the art of writing to the business of publishing. They were there every step of the way, ready to assist with insight into any decision however monumental or trivial, to ensure that my book was the absolute best it could be. Most importantly: it always remained my book. The respect the Acorn team has for staying true to the author’s vision was invaluable and immensely rewarding for my debut writing experience." 

FNG-A Blackspear Novel military thriller series
Alyssa Petersel author Jewish in Budapest Kirkus Review Indie Book of the Year

Alyssa Petersel, 

Somehow I Am Different

Kirkus Indie Book of the Year

"I feel empowered by my work with Acorn Publishing and grateful to have found Holly and Jessica at a relatively early stage in my writing journey. My involvement in this process has given me invaluable knowledge and ownership of the material to an extent I would not have otherwise. Holly and Jessica have been a consistent support system. Most importantly, I feel heard and supported in the work that I love to do. Thank you, Acorn Publishing, for my "crash course" and for ceaseless community and encouragement."

Somehow I am Different by Alyssa Petersel
Dennis K. Crosby urban fantasy author

Dennis Crosby,
Death's Legacy

"For a debut author, navigating the publishing waters can be intimidating, if not terrifying. I cannot say my publishing experience would have been as enjoyable and educational with any company other than Acorn. Holly and Jessica an amazing team, the perfect mentors. Their experience in the business, combined with their patience, is the perfect formula for steering authors down a path toward success. I felt comfortable, included in every decision, and most of all, I felt that my work and my writing goals were valued. I cannot thank Holly, Jessica, and the Acorn Team enough. Working with them was absolutely the best decision for my writing career."

"Death's Legacy" urban fantasy book was written by Dennis K. Crosby and won the 2021 Reader's Favorite Silver Medal Award

Author Testimonials


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