Meet Our Newest Author - Sam Ashkenas!
We first came across Sam after she submitted her memoir, SLEEPING ON CONCRETE, for the Author's Circle Award. Immediately we recognized how talented and enthusiastic she was. She has since signed with us for her first children's book, SAMMY'S FLAME, about a dragon who loses the ability to breathe fire. Sam will be working with one of our favorite illustrators, Dorene Uhrich! We couldn't be more excited.
Sam will also be re-releasing her novel, SLEEPING ON CONCRETE in 2018 through Acorn as well.
Sam has loved children's picture book stories her whole life. As a young kid, she was diagnosed on the Autism spectrum, and understanding the plot of picture books was a huge milestone for her. She decided to write children's stories after taking a children's literature class at the local community college. Picture books are important to Sam because they set children up for a lifetime of reading. She especially likes stories that are honest with kids about the dark things in life and teach them how to deal with strife in a positive way.
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