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Meet Our Newest Author: David Kennedy!

Our wonderful editor, Laura Taylor, had nothing but great things to say after hearing the opening chapter of David's manuscript, RICOCHET. Upon reading his submission, Holly and I immediately knew why. We can't wait to share his novel with the world this November.

Welcome to Acorn, David!

DAVID A. KENNEDY is a guidebook writer/publisher turned novelist. He began rock climbing around 1984, which was a “logical” extension of hiking, camping and backpacking since boyhood. After his first magazine article on climbing in San Diego’s backcountry was published, he created the San Diego County Climbing Guide, which proved extremely popular. Next came San Diego Adventures: Classic hiking, mountain biking and rock climbing. In 2007 he completed and published a second edition of the climbing guide, which vividly detailed over 2,000 routes.

Subsequently, he embarked on a fiction-writing odyssey, producing sci-fi novels and short stories “rather unsuccessfully”, in terms of publication. He finally found his proper voice in 2017 when he wrote Ricochet, an intense, modern-day thriller about a young female vigilante. Becoming a novelist is the realization of a lifelong dream.

David lives with his wife, Debbie, in San Diego where the two are chief volunteer caretakers of the San Diego Zoo’s Kent Bromeliad Garden.

RICOCHET will be released through Acorn in November 2018.

Brenda Roseberry’s youth was fractured with personal loss and sexual assault. In response, she’s trained her body through rock climbing and Isreali martial arts. Her genius at engineering tends toward the devious: she invents technology that allows her to see through walls, along with bulletproof clothing and specialized grenades.

Brilliant, fearless, and eminently disturbed, Brenda is ultimately recruited by Special Crimes Response And Mitigation—SCRAM. And so begins her daring pursuit of white-collar crime, fringe terrorist conspiracies, and anyone deserving of her unique brand of draconian justice.

Her only real friend is a notorious MS-13 gangster named Pucaso. He’s got a crush on her but that only makes Brenda deride him and loathe herself. Still, she relies on his help, whether she’s in Belize to wipe out the server farm of a corrupt hedge fund, or on Maui to take on the poisonous executives of a giant chemical company. Brenda treats wrongdoers like insects—the kind that need extermination.

For more info on David's release, sign up for our Acorn Publishing newsletter!

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